Facebook Live Sale Wednesday 17th, 7:00pm!
Dear Friend,
I am very excited to share that WSK is going to do a sock yarn club for us this year! It will run for 6 months, July - December. You will pay $174 and receive 6 hanks of her gorgeous hand dyed sock yarn. Then stop in around the first of the month to pick up your gorgeous yarn. Or if you need it shipped we can get payment for that figured out as well. These will be exclusive colors just for Stitch In Time, won't be able to get them anywhere else. Be sure to take a look at her colors HERE , plus a few below.....they are incredible! It does not come with a pattern but there are LOTS of freebie patterns on Ravelry. Prefer to exclude things that you may not need or use to keep the price of the club down. Deadline to sign up is April 30th. Don't miss out, this is going to be GREAT! Sign up online HERE or call to get on list now! (517) 546-0769

Just some of her gorgeous colors to inspire you!

LOTS of great deals, Wednesday, March 17th, 7:00 pm. Hope you can join us! First person to comment, Sold Lot...., gets the deal. Some people have faster internet than others so we/you will not know for sure who won until it's over. Just go to comments and change from "Most Relevant" order to "Newest". Then the comment that is lower was the first to get their comment in.

Are you feeling a little adventurous yet? Things still seem a bit iffy for out of the country this year so we have decided to go to The Grand Canyon & Yellowstone in August! Then next year we have Italy and South Africa!
Have you been to the Grand Canyon & Yellowstone? I have not. Therefore I MUST go, right?! My trip is all set up and I would love to have you join us. Click on this link for all the details: https://www.grouptoursite.com/charlenehatfield There is also an available extension to Missoula & Glacier National Park, can't miss that! If you are a "single" and would like a roommate, let me know...might be able to help with that.
The deposit for this tour is $450 per person
Travelers can place just $99 down payment to reserve their spot on tour when they set up a monthly Auto Pay plan! Travelers can also wait up to 60 days after enrollment to begin making additional payments.
March promotion: $100 off when new travelers join my tour between March 1-31, 2021
Repeat Traveler Credit: At least $100 off for those who have traveled on an EF tour previously
Multi-Tour Discount: $100 off for those already enrolled on another Go Ahead tour
Pay-in-Full Credit: $100 off for those who pay in full when registering on to the tour
Feel free to call/text if you have any questions: 517-404-1477.

Stitch In Time turns 30 years old on May 1st! Can you even believe that? I sure can't! Feel so blessed to have the best job in the world, to me anyway. Never would have made it if it wasn't for YOU so.... Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! How about a little celebration? May 1st - May 8th. Already have several wonderful door prizes including a set of interchangeables from Bryson and 30 hanks of yarn from Malabrigo. I'll also give away 30 - $30 gift certificates....how's that?!!! Come in each day to sign up for the drawings! Online orders during this time will also be entered in drawings. Don't miss this party!

March knitting classes start on Monday 15th & Tuesday 16th. 10-12 and 6-8. If you are a new knitter you will make either slippers or a scarf. If you already know the basics, you can work on the project(s) of your choice. It's a wonderful way to do classes because you tend to learn about things you are not even working on.
Private knitting classes for $20.00/hour. (517) 546-0769
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my email.
Have a great night!
Hope to see you Wednesday night for the big sale!
Stitch In Time
722 E Grand River
Howell, MI 48843
Monday - Thursday 10-6
Saturday 10-5
Friday & Sunday Closed
(517) 546-0769