OPEN by appointment!

Oh how I have missed you! I look forward to showing you around the shop! Hope you like all the new changes as much as I do. Call (517) 546-0769 to schedule your appointment.
Still carry the Elizabeth Bradley kits but you will now need to see Stitches N Things in Fenton and Stitch N Time in Saginaw for your cross stitch needs. They specialize in those things and have a wonderful inventory.

Did you or someone you know drop quilts off at The Stitchery to have Quality Quilting do the long arm work? Did you know you can drop your quilts here now? They usually pick up every Wednesday and currently bring them back the following Wednesday. Great, quick service. I have the forms here to fill out, they need to be a certain color, so they know where to return. Please let your quilting friends know Stitch In Time is a drop off/pickup point for this service.

Facebook LIVE sale this Wednesday, 22nd at 7:00pm. I have all kinds of great things for this sale. Miss having these weekly...really enjoyed chatting with you. If you are new to the LIVE SALE... I will have a lot number and price on each thing/group. You write Sold Lot .... #. First one to comment Sold with the lot number is the winner of that lot. All sales final. Unfortunately you can't always see all the posts until the end. And everyone has a different speed for their internet so it can be misleading who won. But after the event you can change comments to list in newest to oldest and the first person to comment would be at the bottom...oldest. Hope you can join Randy and I on Wednesday.

Will you join me again this year on September 21st and cast on a white wool sweater to honor of Anne Frank? Sweet Anne wrote in her diary that she started a white wool sweater on 9-21 and we plan to continue this tradition every year. Last year we donated the sweaters to Pregnancy Help Clinic. They were extremely grateful and I would love to do that again if you are willing? The super soft merino, white wool I have is sport/DK weight. Lots of free patterns on Ravelry, let me know if you need help finding one. #stitchintimehonorsannefrank

Private knitting lessons available. $20.00/hour Bring as many things as you would like. Call to schedule. (517) 546-0769

Did you sign up for the Wobble Gobble sock yarn club? If not, I'm very sorry, but if you did....our first month is here. It is gorgeous and my friend Sue has already started test knitting my new sock pattern with it. Wait until you see it! Love at first sight, I promise! Here is the photo I sent her to use as inspiration. She did an amazing job!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my email and allowing me to visit you in this way.